Myths and misconceptions about metal roofs

There are a lot of divided opinions when it comes to metal roofing. This is partly because metal roofing sheets are a new entry in the market. Most people still believe that traditional roofing shingles are the best choice because of their low cost. However, when it comes to overall benefits, longevity and durability, metal roofing sheets are much better than traditional roofing sheets.

Unfortunately, metal roofing is surrounded by many a myth and misconception. We at Dura Roof have taken it upon ourselves to dispel these myths and help you put your mind at ease.

Metal roofing is outdated

When you say “metal roof”, the first image that pops up in peoples’ minds is that of a corrugated tin roof that appears on barns, outhouse and other similar structures. Or they think of an ancient house, and thus metal roofs suffer by association. However, this misconception is far from reality. Today the metal roofing industry has a plethora of new materials, trends and technologies that are continually evolving. As a result, new-age metal roofing sheets offer more bang for your buck, last longer and are environment-friendly.

Metal roofing will detract from your home’s appearance
This misconception again has to do with people associating metal roofs with old, run-down properties. However, metal roofing sheets give your house a sleek, sharp appearance. Also, they come in different textures, colours and styles that make them the perfect fit for any architectural elements your home may have. Metal roofing will especially go well with those looking to give their homes an industrial feel, and will also work wonderfully with contemporary designs as well. Roofing technology has improved so much today that they can be manufactured to look like wooden roofs or other materials, thus giving you the best of both worlds.

Metal roofs are heavy
This is perhaps the biggest myth surrounding roofing sheets. Contrary to popular belief though, metal is one of the lightest roofing materials around. It all depends on the metal you choose. Aluminium comes highly recommended because of its long-lasting and durable qualities. Not to mention, they only weigh about 50 pounds per square., in comparison to roofing shingles that clock in anywhere between 200 pounds per square for basic shingles to 500 pounds per square for higher-end shingles. If your roof can take the weight of shingles, it will, without a doubt, be able to handle something as lightweight as aluminium sheets.

Metal roofs get hot in the summer
In a country like India where the weather is hot all through the year with summers being the hottest, it is imperative you take steps to cool down your house naturally and decrease your energy costs. The easiest way to go about this is installing a metal roof. Unlike the fallacy of metal roofs heating up your home, these sheets possess high light and heat reflectivity. This means your home stays cooler for longer and will significantly reduce your cooling bills.

Metal roofs get noisy when it rains
Metal roofing sheets of old had basic methods of installation that were often noisy, giving metal roofing a lousy reputation. With time, however, installation methods have improved. Today, installers place a layer of padding material between the metal and the plywood decking. This way you will hardly hear any sound.

Lightning will strike metal roofs
The lead-up to this myth is that metal is a good conductor of electricity. While this is true, it does not mean that your metal roof will do anything to attract lightning. You’re just as likely or unlikely to be struck by lightning with or without a metal roof. Moreover, metal roofs are non-combustible. So even in the event of a lightning strike, your roof will not catch fire. This cannot be said about shingles and other roofing materials.

At Dura Roof, our installation crew will ensure that your roof is grounded correctly so that even if it were to be struck by lightning, it would transfer the electricity directly to the ground.

Metal roofs are prone to rusting
The roofs of old probably were, but with Dura Roof’s new-age galvanised metal roofing, corrosion and damage due to air and rain are a thing of the past. Fortified with high-tech paints and chemicals coatings, our roofing sheets will ensure that your roof stands the test of time and the elements.

One of the biggest deterrents that stop people from choosing metal roofing is the cost. While these sheets do cost a little bit more than standard shingles and other materials, they provide a lot more durability and longevity. With asphalt shingles, you will have to consider re-roofing a lot earlier than if you have a metal roof installed. Thus, metal roofs save you a lot of money in the long run.

Now that we’ve cleared the air around metal roofing, you can get started on your roofing journey. Contact us at Dura Roof today!

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