How to care for your roof during summer

Summer time is here and with blue skies comes the unbearable heat. While you do your best to stay away from the sun, remember, your roof also needs attention if it is to protect you from the elements. Between the scorching heat, intense sunlight and potential rain, your roof takes quite a beating. If you neglect your roof’s summer maintenance, you could end up with a hefty repair bill as well as an unstable roof during the coming monsoon season. Here are five easy tips to care for your roof this summer season.

Inspect your roof

It might seem obvious, but the first step when it comes to summer roofing tips is to simply inspect your roof. You could do it yourself and perhaps take care of small repairs that need to be done. Look for damaged or loose shingles or any discoloration. Loose shingles compromise your roofs under layer making it more vulnerable to the elements. Even the smallest problem could be indicative of a more widespread issue, so it would also make sense to consult a roofing specialist. Summer is the best time to inspect your roof; this would be considerably difficult during the monsoon and winter months.

Check your gutters and downspouts

You may not realize it, but your roof’s gutters and rain pipes play an essential role in your home’s safety. Leaves, twigs, birds’ nests, dirt, and debris can build up over time in your gutters and drainage pipes, most of which happens in the summer months. If you don’t clear out the debris periodically, they could cause a blockage, which could lead to a leaky roof, flooding, and other issues. This could severely damage your home and increase your expenses. The easiest way to get rid of dirt on your roof is to use a hose and spray it all away, but take care not to apply too much pressure as it could damage your roof.

Check for critters and algae

Rodents like squirrels, mice, rats or raccoons love to hide out in attics. Check your roofline from time to time for small openings or holes they can squeeze into. Seal them up before it develops into an infestation problem. Algae, too, spreads quickly. If you see the smallest patch of algae while inspecting your roof, act immediately to get rid of it. Not only does it take away from your homes aesthetic, but it can also severely damage your roof. Humidity and moisture in any open spots in your roof can also cause mould and mildew to grow, which are extremely difficult to remedy once they have set in.

Update your roof

When possible, try to change or update your roof – this could mean using a more cooling material during summer, particularly if you live in warmer climes. Bright colours or galvanised metal sheets can reduce your home’s temperature. You will also be saving on electricity bills – with your roof reflecting the summer heat, you won’t find the need to keep cranking up the AC.

Consider waterproofing

If you live in humid or wet climate, you might want to consider a waterproofing layer for your roof before the onset of summer. The combination of heat, humidity, and rainwater can cause damage, in the long run, not to mention the possibility of your roof collapsing.

Get a professional inspection

When thinking of roof care tips, particularly summer roofing tips, it is highly advisable to get an inspection done by professionals. It is one f the best forms of preventative measures especially if your roof is 20 years or older. The summer months are a prime time to schedule roof inspections as the professionals can help identify and rectify current problems and ensure your roof is ready to weather the coming monsoon months.

Making a note of these roof care tips and knowing how to take care and maintain your roof correctly will not only maximise its life, but also the financial investment that went into it. Keep your problems a bay with periodic inspections and fixes by professionals. Being proactive about your roof maintenance can help you spot and take care of minute issues that could turn into expensive repairs. Reach out to Dura Roof for all your roofing queries and solutions.

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  • The difference between residential and commercial roofing systems – Dura Roof
    February 12, 2020 - 5:25 pm