Traditional Roofing & Modern Roofing: Know Their Differences

Are you stuck between choosing traditional roofing or modern roofing? Surely, we understand the dilemma you are in. Building your dream home demands lots of effort and knowledge about the building materials. And to help you with, we are covering the mentioned subject. 

Roofs are prime house building materials, they protect us from every climatic condition- the harsh sun rays, winds, rain and storms. The role that it plays remains undeniable and for that reason, we must carefully choose them. Also, at the same time, they should meet our demands in terms of style and colors. 

What are traditional roofing and modern roofing? 

Traditional roofing sheets are made of natural materials, especially thatch, clay, wood, etc. Though they are environment friendly but they don’t last long and need replacement frequently. On the other hand, modern roofing sheets are made of smart building materials like metals, slates, aluminium tiles, etc. Due to their strong building substances, they last long and prevent being replaced time and again. 

Differences Between Traditional and Metal Roofing 

1. Longevity 

In comparison to the conventional roofing sheets, contemporary roofing panels tend to last long. As metal roofing’s are made of strong materials they don’t get withered away due to harsh weather conditions. Thus, they are durable and need no reinvestment. 

2. Price 

Though natural roofing materials are found free of cost in nature, they need higher maintenance. Thus, in the long run, they require more expenditures. While modern slates are just one-time investments, they are solid hard substances and can last for many years. Also, they can withstand any type of weather conditions. 

3. Style 

Modern roofing covers come with multiple choices of designs that enhance the look of your premises. Also, they are available in various colours that provide an appealing appearance. On the contrary, traditional roof covers are simple and lack an aesthetic point of view. Hence, if you want to go for an ultra-modern look, you can go with the contemporary roofing slab. 

4. Fire Resistant 

Outdated roofing covers have the tendency to catch fire easily, especially those with thatch and grass roof designs. Whereas modern design roofs are fire resistant and hence provide much security to such damages. 

5. Easy to Install 

The development of technologies and science has made the installation of metal or tile roofs easier to establish. Apart from that since they are lighter in weight, it helps to install effortlessly too. But roofs made of wood and clay need hard manual labour and time to lift and fix them on the top. And also, they tend to be very heavier in comparison to present-day roofs. 

6. Wind Resistant 

Again, when it comes to security and protection, metal or tile roofs provide much safety against stormy weather conditions. The solid interlocking between the metal roofs provides ultimate defence. Meanwhile, the conventional roof covers are just overlaid on one another. They mostly work on gravity and are prone to windy and rainy seasonal damages. 


Winding up we can come to the opinion that both the traditional roofs and modern roofs have their own pros and cons. It totally depends on the individual’s choice and taste which one to opt for. If you are looking for more protection and security against all kinds of damages or accidents it is advisable to pick contemporary slabs. 

About Dura Roof  

Dura Roof stands as the premium roof manufacturer in the entire north-eastern region. And, it doesn’t limit its horizon only to a specific region. They continue to expand their realm in outer regions like- Siliguri, Jalpaiguri and Kishanganj. Without a doubt, they continue to set a standard in the field of roofing production. And, if you are looking for a solid and quality roofing solution, Dura Roof is your ultimate destination. 

To know more about roofs and roofing solutions visit our page and follow us on Facebook, and Instagram

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